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Truck Safe Accreditation – JMH Training & Compliance

This is a business and risk management system that is aimed at improving the safety and professionalism of trucking operator’s nation-wide.

What is TruckSafe And Why Does Your Business Need It

An industry initiative which
delivers competitive advantages
to accredited operators

For customers, TruckSafe provides confidence that contractors have responsible work practices, well maintained vehicles, healthy and trained drivers and management systems to meet their transport needs.

This also helps customers to meet their due diligence requirements.

How To Become TruckSafe Accredited

TruckSafe accreditation is based on four key standards:

  • Management – Aimed at ensuring that a trucking operator has a documented business system which covers each of the standards
  • Maintenance – Aimed at ensuring vehicles and trailers are kept in a safe and roadworthy condition. This standard covers the requirements for daily checks, fault reporting and recording, fault repair, scheduled maintenance, maintenance records and documentation, maintenance responsibilities, internal review, and maintenance training and education. TruckSafe maintenance also complies with NHVAS maintenance standards
  • Workplace and Driver Health – Aimed at ensuring that drivers are fit, and healthy and Occupational Health and Safety requirements are met. This standard covers requirements for Workplace Health and Safety, Driver Health Screening (including medicals), the role of the medical practitioner, rehabilitation and fatigue management.
  • Training – Aimed at ensuring that drivers are licensed, authorised and trained for the tasks, which they are undertaking.

These are the minimum standards a trucking business should meet for it to be a safe, responsible operation. For operators, accreditation shows that they are meeting their due diligence and duty of care.

How we can help
here at JMH

JMH Training & Compliance has the experience to guide you through the implementation and accreditation process Truck Safe Accreditation.

JMH will provide

  • a comprehensive Policy & Procedures Manual,
  • induction training for all persons that will operate under or administer the documentation and Internal Review process and
  • assist with the smooth transition into the Accreditation Program

In addition to this we will provide on-going support for the accreditation administration staff when required to conduct Internal Reviews or Quarterly Compliance Review process.

Contact Us

For your FREE no obligation chat, to ensure your business needs are met, get in touch with us: