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Chain of Responsibility NSW, VIC – JMH Training

The aim of chain of responsibility is to make sure everyone in the supply chain shares responsibility for ensuring breaches of the HVNL do not occur.

What is Chain of Responsibility (CoR)?

A duty to ensure the safety of transport activities

Under chain of responsibility (COR) laws, if you are named as a party in the chain of responsibility and you exercise (or have the capability of exercising) control or influence over any transport task, you have a responsibility to ensure the HVNL is complied with.

Every party in the heavy vehicle transport supply chain has a duty to ensure the safety of their transport activities. In practical terms, this primary duty represents an obligation to eliminate or minimise potential harm or loss (risk) by doing all that is reasonably practicable to ensure safety. As a party in the supply chain, the best way to do this is to have Safety Management Systems (SMS) and controls in place, such as business practices, training, procedures and review processes that:

  • identify, assess, evaluate, and control risk
  • manage compliance with speed, fatigue, mass, dimension, loading and vehicle standards requirements through identified best practice
  • involve regular reporting, including to executive officers
  • document or record actions taken to manage safety

Safety management is managing business activities and applying framework, policies and procedures to help prevent accidents, injuries and minimise risk.

CoR & safety management system

A safety management system (SMS) is a documented systematic approach to managing safety, including organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures. It should aim to manage safety risks and ensure the safety of a business’s transport activities, so far as is reasonably practicable.

When implemented into your business, an SMS will help you to continuously improve the safety of your operations and assist in meeting your responsibilities under the HVNL.

No SMS is identical, as no business is identical, but they all will have a similar framework and cover the same four major components:

  • Safety policy and documentation
  • Safety risk management
  • Safety assurance
  • Safety promotion and training

Benefits of implementing a Safety Management System (SMS)

  • It clearly demonstrates that you are taking your safety duties obligation seriously and adopting a proactive approach to risk management in your business.
  • Assisting you to meet your safety responsibilities under the HVNL
  • Providing you with a means to manage risk and enhance safe practices.
  • Assisting your business to allocate limited resources to the most critical areas that have an impact on safety. Helping your business become a preferred supplier to customers.
  • Providing a framework to make informed safety decisions and increase efficiencies
  • Reducing costs by proactively identifying risks before they result in an incident or major accident.

Managing CoR obligations as an employer

As an employer – and key party in the supply chain – the best way to manage your CoR obligations is to have appropriate Safety Management Systems and controls in place for your business and your employees.

These controls may include business practices, training, procedures and review processes that:

  • Identify, assess, evaluate, and control risk
  • Manage compliance with speed, fatigue, mass, dimension, loading and vehicle standards requirements through identified best practice
  • Involve regular reporting, including to executive officers
  • Document or record actions taken to manage safety

You must also be aware of any business demands that might directly or indirectly put pressure on other parties in the supply chain, and ensure that individuals are aware that everyone within the supply chain is legally liable if something goes wrong (in accordance with their level of CoR).

How we can help
here at JMH

JMH Training & Compliance can develop and implement a Safety Management System specific to your organisation to ensure compliance with the HVNL and Work Health & Safety Act and train key personnel to be competent in maintaining that system.

Do you have a Safety Management System already in place? JMH can conduct a gap audit to identify where your organisation deficiencies lie and provide guidance and support to cover those gaps to ensure compliance.

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Chain of Responsibility Checklist


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